I will be trying harder. I will be doing better. I will not let others down. I will not let myself down this time. I will succeed and bring my sexy back. Please help me to not become discouraged too badly. I am easily discouraged, but I have many, many people in my corner, cheering me on. I even have friends who said if I died during the run yesterday, they would cremate me and put my ashes on Adam Levine. That is support right there. I also had people who slowed their pace and ran/walked with me. Thanks for that. I would have quit long ago if not for you.

I promise to not let this set back, set me back. I will keep on going and pushing and working hard. Thanks for cheering me on.
Peace out peeps. I have sore legs to massage from my running yesterday.
It is SO frustrating when the scale does not reflect as much hard work as it should. No matter what the number is, you are a healthier woman! Don't worry about letting other people down...this is not about them. This is about you and how you are worth taking care of yourself. Every time you go to CG you are succeeding, every time you eat something healthier than you would have six months ago, EVERY TIME!! You're right, we are all cheering you on, and we know this is HARD. This is the hardest work you will ever do, I'm convinced. You are awesome now; you are just making the outside match the inside. P.S. - The idea of scattering your ashes on Adam Levine is HIGH-larious! What good friends you have!!