Okay so today starts my Spring Break. The kids have asked me what I was doing for this time off. As much as I would love to tell them that I am jetting off to some exotic place, the truth is I am staying close to home. I need time to recharge myself. I am going to do things that I think are fun and relaxing. This has been a stressful week. While I love my job and my students, we need a break from each other. Why you ask? Benchmark testing. If you don't know what that is like, let me paint a picture. Imagine being on a three day car trip with your family. You are in the car all day together. Nobody can talk, no phones, no tv, no computers etc.... Even when your family stops for lunch breaks, no talking. Your only options are to read a book or sleep. That is it!!! Sounds like a lot of fun doesn't it. That is why we need a break from each other.

I love spring. I always have. One thing I am hoping for is that this will be my last "fat" spring. I am not expecting to be super model thin, I just want to look better and not as lumpy in my cool spring clothes. I love the colors of spring, but I find myself not wanting to wear the bright colors. I don't want to wear them because that would mean drawing attention to myself. As much as I love people, I don't want the attention on me. I have a big problem with self-esteem. It stems from growing up being told you are not now nor will you ever be good enough. So if I cannot be good enough, then I just need to hang back in the shadows and not cause waves. If you are a reader of this blog, you know my struggles and how I have gotten better, but it still lingers a bit.
So this spring I am going to take care of me. I am going to celebrate every tiny success that I have in the next six weeks. I am going to read, relax and refresh. I am going to come back renewed and with a better attitude towards myself and my journey.
Part of being renewed and refreshed is going to some work outs. I always feel better after I have done a work out. It is a great way to release stress.
Peace out Peeps! I have to get my refreshing, relaxing, renewing awesome on.
I am so inspired by your commitment to work out. I KNOW I always feel better after I exercise, but I just haven't put forth the effort to find the time to do it. I am still selling myself excuses about why I'm not doing it. Someday I will stop fooling myself and get my ass off the couch :) Congrats on all your success and enjoy your week!