Tuesday, February 4, 2014

"I can't put my arms down!"

Okay, I know it is not Christmas time any more, but it is still cold outside and I love this movie, so deal with it.
Sometimes as a fluffy person, I feel just like this.  I feel bloated, thick, hard to move and I can't put my arms down.  I noticed that since I have started my "bringing sexy back" journey, that my body is changing.  Take my arms for example:  They flap.  I noticed this in my classroom a couple of weeks ago.  I was in front of the class explaining something and I moved my arm.  I heard a strange flapping sound.  I moved my arm again and I heard the noise a second time.  What was the noise?  My arm fat flapping together.  OMG!  I was embarrassed and hoped my students did not hear it.

The strange thing about my arms is that the top part of the arms are getting some definition, dare I say it even muscles.  I guess they are all going to the top, because the bottom just flaps away like a sail.  I know that will not always be the case, but it is sadly true.

Now another body part that is giving my grief is my tummy.  My waist is getting smaller. My pants are feeling looser and I have had to go down in size.  But my tummy still sticks out too much for me.  Now I can do sit ups, straight legged sit ups I might add, without someone having to help me.  I feel a little bit like this.  My trainer, Carrie, is on the left and I am on the right.
We have tried to get her to walk around with treats for us, but alas it was a no go.  Now I know I am not a giant walrus.  Maybe more of an elephant seal, but I also know I am going to get there some day and I will be sleek like a seal.

Don't let the little things get you down is one thing that I have learned this past week.  I did not get to keep my 6 week resolution, but I now know how to fix it.  I am going to be back at being the best Gladiator and seal I can be this week.  Just look out for the flapping arms, they can be dangerous.

Peace out Peeps, I have some flying lessons to attend.

1 comment:

  1. I have a hard time accepting the 'flabby bits' too. Unfortunately, a bikini body did not follow weight loss. I'll always have a droopy stomach and flappy arms. That's OK, though. I've worked really hard to like myself as I am. You have inspired me to get back on the exercise bandwagon. I don't have a plan yet, but I'm rolling it around in my mind, and that's a good first step.
