Wednesday, January 29, 2014

And now for something completely different...

Okay peeps, since last week's blog was pretty heavy, I decided to do something different and funny.  At least I think it is funny.

How my cat is like a teenage girl!

1.   They both ignore me. I cannot tell you the number of times one of my students has ignored me.  I also cannot tell you how many times my cat has ignored me.  "Bailey, want a treat?" Nothing. "Bailey, want a toy?" Nothing.  She will come running though if I open a window or run the can opener.

2.   They both talk back.  Many times I will be on the phone, asleep, playing on the computer, or just trying to relax and I start to hear "Meow," "Meow," "Meow,"  When I tell her to stop and leave me alone, it becomes louder and more persistent.  I think sometimes I have even heard a kitty curse word or two.

3.  They both hate me.  Now since I got Bailey when she was 8 years old and not a kitten, I have always felt that maybe she did not really bond with me like my last cat.  While at times I think oh she really seems to like having me around, other times, usually when it is 2 in the morning, I feel two beady eyes staring at me like I hate you.  As much as I try to be good to her, I always feel a bit disconnected.

4.  They only want me around when it is inconvienent to me.  When I am asleep, in the bathroom, watching tv or heaven forbid reading a book, that is the only time she really seems to want my attention.  My tv remote has two teeth marks from where she has bitten the remote.  If I am reading on my NOOK, she will bite it and try to know it out of my hands.  She will sit in front of the bathroom door and watch me go to the bathroom.  Every morning, around 2 am, she wakes me up to make sure I know she is there.  Then I have to get up, walk to her food dish, point and tell her she has food, and then I can go back to sleep.

5.  They both want me dead.  Okay so maybe not the teenagers, but the cat, I know for sure.  Have you ever felt like you were being watched?  Have you ever felt that at any moment the world could come crashing down?  Well I live with that everyday.  Some mornings I wake up and find her staring at me.  Some times she is sitting in the floor staring at me.  She likes to play with emory boards. Why?  To sharpen her claws for when she decides to go for the jugular.  She even likes to do what they call "kneading biscuits" on different parts of my body. Why?  To see which parts are the fleshiest to see what to eat first when she does me in.  I feel like she has been plotting my death for a while now and if I die under mysterious circumstances, check the cat for DNA! 

 I hope you have enjoyed this, I thought it was funny, comparison.

Peace out Peeps.  I have to go and lock up the knives and scissors just in case.

1 comment:

  1. You're going to have to sleep with one eye open and keep watch! That is hilarious...I never feel like my dog is plotting to kill me. He does talk back, though!
