How have you spend your summer? Well I have been working out in the heat and the sun. I have also been walking with my buddies. If you had told me a year ago, that I would WILLINGLY workout for an hour in the heat everyday, I would have said you are nuts. I am doing it though and I love every minute of it. I have a great support system and cheerleaders who keep me accountable and keep me motivated.
One problem I have with summer is that I get bored. Don't get me wrong, I look forward to the end of school just like the kids, but I like and need the routine. What happens is that when I am not in my routine, I get bored. When I get bored I want to do one of two things: spend money or eat. I am working very hard on both. Since this blog is about my journey, I will talk about the food part.
Over the past year, I have learned new ways to eat. It is not always easy and sometimes I go off the rails and cheat. I feel pretty bad when I cheat while I am doing it and then after. You see food has always been my friend. It is hard to let go of that friendship. I am finding though that for the most part the foods that I used to crave, I don't anymore. Also, I think about how hard I will have to work to get rid of what I have eaten.
When I get bored, I eat. To help me with that part, I have started keeping fruit, yogurt, and healthier snacks in the house. If I don't have the junk, I can't eat the junk. I also drink lots and lots and lots of water. You cannot snack doing that unless you want to snack in the bathroom. lol.
When I get bored, I exercise. I know it is a shocker for those that know me, but I love to exercise now. I still hate running, I have not gone crazy. If it were not for exercise, I am not sure I could have made it this far. I love CG! I also love to go on walks with buddies. It is great to be with a friend and walk and talk about your day. I have seen ducks, snacks, scorpions, etc.... It is like a mini adventure each time.
Now I know you may be thinking that you are not fit enough to exercise. HELLO!!!!! That is how you get fit by exercising. I cannot do everything. I am slower than most in my group, but I AM OUT THERE! I am doing it and getting faster, better, stronger, and sexier everyday. You don't have to be great or in great shape, just start.
If you ever need someone to walk with, talk with or ask questions to, I am here. I have been there, I am still there, and I will finish this race.
I get bored, too, and haven't settled into a summer routine. Eating is a big temptation for me, too, but like you, I try not to keep unhealthy stuff in the house. I am so inspired by your exercise. Unfortunately, I haven't taken any action on that inspiration. I'm working up to it!