Monday, December 16, 2013

Sometimes not such a jolly 'ol elf.

Since starting my journey, I have reflected a great deal about my life as a fat person.  Now I know that I am still a fat person, I do not claim any different. I have wondered though, if other people have ever thought about what it is like to be a fat person.  Here are somethings that I have learned or thought.

1. Clothes shopping sucks!  As a fat person, you have to go to special stores.  These stores are often more expensive.  While I have gotten some really cute outfits over the years, many times I was stuck getting whatever fit me.  Sometimes I liked it and sometimes I did not.  I never feel comfortable in my clothes either. If I dress comfy and go to Wal Mart, sweat pants and t-shirt, like most everybody else in the store, I feel  self concience because I am afraid people will percieve me as a sloppy fat person.  If I dress nicer, then I feel people think I am trying too hard.  Yes, I realize that this is mostly in my head.  I never claimed to be speaking for all people.  When this is over, I look forward to being able to shop at almost any store for clothes.

2. Eating out sucks!  As a fat person you have to be careful where you sit.  I could not fit into most boothes. I could squeeze into them, but it was uncomfortable and my chest kept hitting the table.  Nobody likes to eat like that.  I had to be careful of the chairs I sat in.  I was always afraid of breaking a chair, so I had to be careful of what chair in a place I ate at.  People will also look at you funny.  If I ordered just a salad, I have seen people look at me and discuss what I am eating. "Why is that fatty trying to eat a salad? You know she eats more than that!"  If I ate a regular meal people would look at me and discuss what I was eating.  "Look at the fat person eating all that food.  How can she eat that?"  I have gone into places and been made fun of and stared at.  Does that sound fun to you?  It is not fun at all!

3. Sometimes people suck!  I have walked into libraries and had people laugh out loud when I asked them a question.  I have been on airplanes and had the flight attendant force people to sit near me, because they don't want to sit by a fat person.  I had to ask for a seat belt extender when on the plane and had to get "the look" from the crew member.  Makes you feel very small.  Don't even ask about going to the bathroom on a plane!  That is almost impossible.  Even using a public bathroom can be bad.  I have been in stalls where I barely fit inside the door because they were so small.  Have you ever been afraid of being stuck in a potty?  I have.

I am not saying this to get sympathy or to make you feel sorry for me.  I am saying this to help prove a point.  It does not matter why a person is overweight. We all have our demons or vices.  Some drink, some smoke, I eat.  It is how I coped with whatever pain I was dealing with.  So with that said, next time you see a fat person out and about realize what it is like for them in public.  It is not fun.  I know I will be kinder to people because I have been there myself.  Last Tuesday when I was doing my Camp Gladiator workout, I was always the last person to finish.  Did anybody ridicule me? NO!  They cheered me on and told me good job!  They gave me high fives and told me it will get easier because they had been where I am now.  I think more people need a cheering section in their own lives.  I for one am going to become an excellent cheerleader for myself and others who are struggling.

"Your present circumstance don't determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start."

Peace out peeps!  I have some pom poms to buy.

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