Sunday, December 1, 2013

Titanium or I am stronger than I thought.

Did you know that the alloy titanium is lightweight, strong and resistant to rust?  I didn't.  I would be great to be lightweight, strong and unable to rust.  Oh what a dream.

I was talking to a friend of mine not to long ago.  I was telling her about some things that I had been through in my life.  She told me she had no idea because I am one of the strongest people she knows.  Well if I am one of the strongest, I would hate to meet the weakest.  I can portray being a strong person when inside I am a giant marshmallow.

I guess some times when you have to be strong in order to survive, then you become a stronger person.  I did not have the greatest childhood.  It was filled with pain and anxiety.  Only after I became an adult did I learn how to deal with it.  I am still dealing with it daily I might add.  The Huxtables, we were not.

I had to put myself through college.  I went to school full time, non-stop and worked full time.  I did not get to do many of the fun college student stuff.  Did I miss out?  I don't know I guess I did, but I became a stronger person because I did it on my own.  I am proud of that.

I have worked very hard at my job.  I am loyal to my friends.  I give of myself to lots of people and things.  The person who suffered in all of this was me.  To say that I let myself go, is a huge understatement.  Since I perceived myself as a weak person, I never challenged myself and I gained at one time, I am NOT proud to say this, 200 pounds.  That's right.  I said it out loud.  The most I have ever weighed that I know about is 350 pounds.  I was not a strong person,  I was weak, weak, weak.

I keep on my phone as my wallpaper a picture of me at my heaviest.  I keep it there as a reminder of who I used to be and who I am becoming.  I hid myself from the world for a long time.  If you really know me, you know that I can be very social, funny and talk your ear off.  I am also an introvert and would rather die than be in front of people.  I used that excuse to stay weak and not let myself out.

I reached a point where I got tired of hiding and being weak.  I wanted to come out and let the world see the woman that I was on the inside.  OMG look out world is all I can say. 

I discovered this weekend how strong I am becoming.  TFN invited me to come to Camp Gladiator, which is a fitness boot camp.  Did I ever think that I would do that? NO!  Did I do it! Oh Yeah I did.  Did I do it perfectly? No.  Did I do it as well as the skinny bitches there? No.  Did I do it and not give up? HELL YEAH!!!!  I did not know that I had that in me.  I even fell down in front of strangers and I got up and kept going.  I have the bruise to prove it too.  I am sore today and contemplated making a voodoo doll with TFN's face on it, but I didn't.  You know what I did?  I went running today sore muscles and all.  If you had asked me six months ago if I was strong enough to do that, I would have laughed in your face and been rolling on the floor.  I am getting stronger everyday.

To paraphrase David Guetta and his song, "Titanium" You can criticize and the bullets bounce off.  You can knock me down, but I will get up and keep going.  Keep firing at me and I will keep going.  I am a strong woman and I am not ashamed to show it.

Peace out peeps, I have some fat to make cry and want to leave my body.  Adam Levine, I am coming for you buddy.

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